Sunday, May 24, 2020

Family Upbringing As A Child And Personality Traits

When you are born, the first people you encounter in life are your parents and family. They introduce you to the world and welcome you into the environment in which you will spend the first chapter of your life. Your family teaches you just about everything in the early days like how to walk and talk, how to treat others, as well as how to interpret the world around you. Once you have formed your own identities and reached adolescence, you possess certain traits and behaviors that make you unique from your peers. As a child, one is unaware of the influence their family and environment have on them and are unable to recognize the impact of their behaviors. As an adult it may be useful to look back at your upbringing and learn why and how you have developed into the character you are today. This study seeks to explore the connections between family upbringing as a child and personality traits as an adult. How does parental involvement, parenting style, family dynamic, and childhood env ironment relate to a person’s personality? Can connections be made between specific upbringing environments and adult personality traits? There are many researchers who have studied the importance of early parent-child relations and believed that behavior as an adult can be attributed to childhood upbringing. Diana Baumrind, Sigmund Freud, John Bowlby, and Harry Harlow have all emphasized the importance of the relationship between parent and child. Diana Baumrind researched the importance ofShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Heredity And Its Effect On Children s Development1443 Words   |  6 Pages and peers all influence one’s growth. First of all, since a child is almost consistently surrounded by family (especially at a young age), his or her parents can shape one’s foundations. These include belief systems, traditions, and perspectives about society. 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