Thursday, December 26, 2019

Quicker Liquor Essay - 1506 Words

Should We Lower the Drinking Age? | 18 vs. 21 | â€Å"Quicker Liquor† A Short Research Paper Should the legal drinking age be lowered? Those who supported the change for the 2009 re-authorization of the law (dubbed Pro 18), and those who wanted the law to remain at the current age of 21 (dubbed Pro 21), had three major categories to explore for this debate: safety, binge drinking and maturity. There is opposition and support on both sides of the issue including a coalition founded in 2008 by a group of academic leaders called the Amethyst Initiative who support lowering the drinking age to 18. In 1984, after Candy Lightner suffered the loss of her daughter at the hands of a drunk driver in 1980, she created Mothers Against†¦show more content†¦Sangahvi cites reasons other than the 21 year age law that contribute to binge drinking such as â€Å"weak state and campus alcohol control policies†¦and the presence of lots of bingeing older adults† (Sangahvi). In Sangahvi’s article, a notation from David Rosenbloom of the Institute of Medicine concluded â€Å"that higher taxes reduce alcohol abuse and related harm to young adults† and notes â€Å"the five states with the highest beer taxes have half the binge drinking [rates] of other states† (Rosenbloom in Sangahvi). The last major part of this debate is maturity. How old is old enough ? Sangahvi mentions the thing most people think first, â€Å"singling out alcohol to make it off-limits is odd, since 18-year-olds may legally join the military, vote, buy cigarettes..† (Sangahvi). Chris Alexander says â€Å"This [age 18] marks the time when children become legally responsible for their actions in American society. This is when they are considered adults† (Alexander). The National Youth Rights Association addresses the developmental aspect of the argument by saying â€Å"Your body and mind improve all through-out life. A 21 year old is different from an 18 year old, just as a 41 year old is different from a 38 year old. Youth Prohibition activists ignore the fact that maturity is a gradual but uneven process that continues throughout life and is not complete on one’s twenty-first birthday† ( MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse And Women During Pregnancy1374 Words   |  6 Pageswith substance utilization comes eit her straightforwardly from the impact of the medication itself or from issues identified with development and/or unexpected labor. The entanglements of jumbling components clamorous way of life, poor nourishment, liquor utilization and cigarette smoking influence the appraisal of the impacts of cocaine in pregnancy. In obstetric practice, 100% of pregnant women utilizing cocaine or heroin are cigarette smokers. Cigarette smoking is presumably the most well knownRead MoreAlcohol Abuse As A Behavioral Disorder1382 Words   |  6 Pagesthe person. It is broadly trusted that liquor addiction is a noteworthy issue with possibly vital results. Some of the consequences alcoholics must deal with range from economic, health, friends and family. Liquor addiction, a turmoil in the unified states, influencing around 1/20 people at any time and 1/10 people sooner or later amid their lives has turned out to be predominant. This issue can be dealt with numerous ways; however, medicine would be th e quicker strategy. Roughly 60% of the generalRead MoreSecurity Plan1490 Words   |  6 PagesCollins November 9, 2012 This assignment will be on the Clifton Liquor Store located in Clifton, Colorado. This essay will explain the entire floor plan of the store. Moving forward we will discuss the threats and evaluate the risk of each threat. We will point out the times in which the store is most vulnerable for each threat as well as counter-measures for each threat. We will then discuss the security measures the liquor store has put into place. Lastly we will point out the plans in placeRead MoreThe Dangers Of Adolescent Binge Drinking1279 Words   |  6 Pagesunreasonable amount of liquor devoured by one man (CDC, 2012). Drinking five or more beverages has a significant impact on a teen. These adolescents are not drinking; they are simply swallowing alcohol. Binge drinking has turned into a part of growing up. Many adults have spent their teenage years gorging alcohol. Most teens, as of recently, do not know how to act, particularly in an aggregation. The expansion of liquor does not help the circum stances. The vicinity of the liquor impedes the cerebrumRead MoreBusiness Plan1500 Words   |  6 PagesQuicker Liquor, LLC Business Plan Auburn, AL Table of Contents I. Table of contents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.2 II. Executive Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....3 III. General Company Description†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....4 IV. Products and Services†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 V. Marketing Plan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..6-7 VI. Operational Plan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..8 VII. Management and Organization†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...9 VIII. Startup Expenses and Capitalization†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.10 II. 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Alcohol is more dangerous in women, thus, liquor consumes quicker for women than men. â€Å"There is an enzyme in the human body called alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)† (Kolander p. 323). The enzyme is in the liver and in the stomach (gastric) lining which helps break down the alcohol before it enters the bloodstreamRead More Plunkitt of Tammany Hall Essay1541 Words   |  7 PagesYork farmers wanted their taxes lowered because they were too high. The Republican Legislature will make a rush for the farmer and tell him that if he does not see what he wants to ask for it. After they cut the farmers tax , they raise taxes on liquor and some other taxes in New York City. They take half of the proceeds from the State Treasury and cut down the farmers taxes to suit. New York City is a big fat goose. Come along with your carvings knives and have a slice. 6. To Hold Your District:

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Epic Poem The Odyssey - 1459 Words

Hospitality has been around and important to cultures for almost forever. In the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer, there are many themes, but the theme of hospitality reoccurs throughout the entire epic. This epic takes place in Ancient Greece after the Trojan War. The main character, Odysseus, is on a journey back home to Ithaca after being away for ten years. Along the way, he must make stops and stays in the homes of the different people during his journey. The individuals that are hosting the stranger are expected to act a certain way to show their hospitality. This is called xenia. Xenia is the relationship between the host and the guest. Rules are supposed to be followed and the hosts are supposed to provide certain resources to their guests. It is also important to the culture of the Ancient Greece to show good hospitality to the strangers that wish to stay in their home. Odysseus has stayed in the homes of many along his journey home. He has experienced both good xenia and bad xenia from the people who has stayed with. Hospitality played a major role in the lives of the Ancient Greece. The hospitality of the person showed their civility and wealth. The better hospitality, the more civilized or rich a person was. The wealthy and most civil individuals could provide the guest with the finest food, shelter, gifts and the most money. The poor or uncivilized individuals would not be able to provide the same to their guest. The food would not be as fine, the shelter, or theShow MoreRelatedThe Odyssey An Epic Poem1418 Words   |  6 PagesThe Odyssey an epic poem that has stood the test of time as history is made. Homer made a story as raptured almost everyone who reads it. Even the most trivial characters seem to serve some important role later in the epic poem. Yet it seems that the meaning of this great piece of fiction changes with the changing desires of society. 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In p articular, special reference is given to the protagonists Ulysses in the movie and Odysseus in the poem. Without doubt, one is forced to associate the concept of the movie made in 2000 to that of the great epic poem, which is a work written around 700 B.C. Even so, it is notable that the settings of these two pieces differ in one way

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Volunteer Tourism A Case OF Orang-utan Foundation

Question : Volunteer tourism represents an emerging tourismsector for those who want to make a difference whileon vacation as well as ensuring that local communitiesbenefit both environmentally and economically (Coren Gray, 2012). Organisations such as World WildlifeFund, Antipodeans, Conservation International,Australian Volunteers, to name just a few, are offeringvolunteer tourism expeditions to Australians. Theliterature review identifies four motivational themes ofcultural immersion, seeking camaraderie, giving back,and bonding opportunities among the segments ofvolunteer tourists (McGehee Clemmons, 2008).The Orangutan Foundation in Central Kalimantan inIndonesian Borneo runs tours where volunteers canassist with constructing buildings and fences to securethe wild orang-utans. The mission statement for theorganisation informs us that the OrangutanFoundation goes beyond that of purely protecting theorangutan. Critically it also includes a recognition thatorangutan habitat is unique in its r ichness ofbiodiversity and crucial for local communities, who areas dependant on the forest as is the orang-utan(Orangutan Foundation 2014, p.1). Your task is topromote its conservation strategy to Australianvolunteer tourists. You are required to conduct aliterature review of about 500-800 words on the topicusing keywords such as volunteer tourism,segmentation, targeting and positioning. You thenhave to develop a segmentation, targeting andpositioning (STP) plan targeting the Australian touristmarket which the Orangutan Foundation could use toknow to which Australian tourists to promote itsconservation strategy. This is a challengingassignment and it is recommended that students readvarious academic materials before writing this report. Answer : Interoduction Volunteer tourism is one of the emerging tourism industries in Australia. Initially it was said to be form of deep eco-tourism. Now it is considered as a tourism that fosters environmental and social positive outcomes, offering the tourists an opportunity to support their host community (Wearing and McGehee, 2013). In this report, the author will be conceptualize the volunteer tourism, its benefits and develop an STP plan for The Orangutan Foundation, to secure the lives of orangutans. Litrature Review Volunteering is the activity in which people engage to benefit or help the strangers. The volunteerism motivation mainly focuses on the meeting needs, fulfilling motives, psychological and social functions that are being served through volunteer work (Dolnicar and Randle, 2007). Presently, volunteerism is contributing around $ 2 billion each year from around 1.6 million tourists (Lovelock, 2011). The Bureau of Labor Statistic of US record, around 63.8million individuals has taken part in volunteerism from September 2013-2014. There are various advantages of volunteerism (Sinha, 2014): Protective Function: It helps the individuals to cope up with the conflicts and inner anxieties. Social Function: It helps the individuals to contribute and collaborate with the social groups that they value Career Function: It helps individuals to gain experiences which boosts their career Enhancement Function: It permits individuals to connect with the sociological and psychological development and increase self-esteem Value function: Individuals volunteer to act on or express values they value Understanding function: This gives an opportunity to the people to increase their knowledge and also practice and develop specific skills. According to the survey of ABS 2010, it is reported that around 6.1million that is 36% of the Australian population aged 18years have taken part in volunteerism and women (38%) were slightly more than men (34%). It is found that the people of age 45-54 years of have more interest in volunteering. Also the survey found that the young individuals are more interested in recreational activities and sports. This shows that volunteer tourism is the fast growing trend in the tourism industry (, 2014). However, it is to be noted this tourism have some drawbacks that has to be taken care of. The issues are in identifying the actual needs that will be served by the volunteer tourists. Further lack of methods for choosing the volunteering opportunities might hamper this area. As per the opinion of McGehee and Clemons (2008), the STP (Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning) process helps to promote a particular products of an organization is a specific market to specific customers. According Pike (2012), the STP process helps to maximize the impact of marketing activities on product. Then Coren and Gray (2012) supported by saying the STP process helps to influence the buying behavior of the customers. According to Natter et al., (2008) the segmentation can be defined as the process of splitting the market into groups with similar need and characteristics. Targeting is the process of selecting a particular segment to deliver the product using either the focused targeting strategy, undifferentiated targeting strategy or the Differentiated targeting strategy STP PLAN Segmenting: The key factors that The Orangutan Foundation of volunteer Tourism should focus on carry out the segmentation process are customer type, motivational factors and the demographic profile (Dolnicar and Randle, 2007). Based on the literature review discussed above, the two major segments that the foundation should focus on are: Young Volunteers who are studying zoology or are interested to start their career related to animals world aged 15-30 years and the Mature Volunteers ages 50 years and above. Target market Age range Travel experience Motivation factors Young volunteers interested in animal world or studying zoology 15-30 years 0 to 4 international trips in wildlife sanctuaries in 1 year Interaction with people Improve Knowledge, skills and attitude Fun factor Developing experience to boost career Mature volunteers 50years and above Atleast 7 international visits in last 2years Supporting the organization Contributing to the society Experiencing new cultures Targeting: Differentiated Targeting Strategy can be adopted by the foundation to target the two segments. To target the young volunteer, the whole package should be designed in manner that it helps them to gain knowledge about wildlife preservation from their trip (Suki, 2013; Larson and Poudyal, 2012). A special tourism package should be designed in such a way that the young people can go in a group of 5-6 to gain experience and have fun too. Similarly to tap the mature volunteers, the tour package should be developed in such a way that would help them to interact with other culture people, contribute effectively to the society and have fun. The package duration should be planned based on their age. Positioning: The positioning strategy of Orangutan Foundation Services would focus on three fundamental elements. These include the brand personality, the emotive expression and the destination attributes (Prayag, 2007). The brand personality included with this tour would be spirited, affable and proud so the tourists can actually contribute to the society and the local community people and also conserve and extend the economy. Further the emotive expression include creating and experience strong bonding with the family, delight feeling and also contribution to the society. For young volunteers this trip would give a new experience by serving the wild animals and gain knowledge to link their theories with the practical life. Thirdly, the main destination attributes would include supporting the society, differentiating self with other tourists, having fun, gaining knowledge, interacting with other culture people and also a nice holiday trip. Keeping all these three elements, the found ation can position them as a low cost travelling agency which is involved with volunteerism to benefit the society and economy and also promoting conservation of wild species of orangutans. Conclusion In conclusion, the presented report has discussed the marketing strategic aspect of volunteer tourism of the Orangutans Foundation. The literature review section of this report has reviewed the statistics of volunteer tourism and also the concept of STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning). The report consist of a segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy that would help the foundation to tap the consumer segment that is the mature volunteer and the young volunteer. References Coren, N Gray, T 2012, Commodification of volunteer tourism: a comparative study of volunteer tourists in Vietnam and in Thailand. International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 14, pp. 222-234 Dolnicar, S. and Randle, M. (2007). The international volunteering market: market segments and competitive relations. Int. J. Nonprofit Volunt. Sect. Mark., 12(4), pp.350-370. Dolnicar, S. and Randle, M. (2007). What Motivates Which Volunteers? Psychographic Heterogeneity Among Volunteers in Australia. Voluntas, 18(2), pp.135-155. Larson, L. and Poudyal, N. (2012). Developing sustainable tourism through adaptive resource management: a case study of Machu Picchu, Peru. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(7), pp.917-938. Lovelock, C. (2011). Services marketing. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. McGehee, N. and Clemmons, D. 2008, An outgrowth of the 2004 voluntourism think tank a joint effort of Los Ninos Inc. Paper presented at the Educational Travel Conference, George Washington University Natter, M., Mild, A., Wagner, U. and Taudes, A. (2008). Practice Prize Report Planning New Tariffs at tele.ring: The Application and Impact of an Integrated Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Tool. Marketing Science, 27(4), pp.600-609. Pike, S. (2012). Destination positioning opportunities using personal values: Elicited through the Repertory Test with Laddering Analysis. Tourism Management, 33(1), pp.100-107. Prayag, G. (2007). Exploring the Relationship between Destination Image and personality of a Tourist Destination An Application of Processing Techniques. Journal of Travel and Tourism Research, pp.111-126. Sainaghi, R. (2008). Strategic positioning and performance of winter destinations. Tourism Review, 63(4), pp.40-57. Sinha, S. (2014). The Benefits of Volunteering. IEEE Potentials, 33(3), pp.30-31. Suki, N. (2013). Young consumer ecological behaviour. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 24(6), pp.726 - 737., (2014). Volunteering Facts Volunteering Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Jan. 2015]. Wearing, S. and McGehee, N. (2013). Volunteer tourism: A review. Tourism Management, 38, pp.120-130.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Slavery In The Usa Essays - Bleeding Kansas,

Slavery In The Usa ? Douglas hoped that northerners opposing his bill would quiet down after the bill was settled, but they became more furious ? Antislavery critics wanted to prevent slavery from gaining a foothold in Kansas ? Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Company was found to help emigrants to settle down in Kansas ? hundreds of settlers moved to Kansas ? Alarmed proslavery groups also started to go to Kansas ? When a territorial legislature was elected in March 1855 over 6000 votes were counted ? ~ 5000 of these votes were illegal because most Missourians who voted were not residents ?large number of men who had been elected were proslavery ? a law was quickly passed authorizing slavery in Kansas! ? even death penalty was passed for people helping slaves to escape ? Kansans refused to accept the new legislature and set up an own government at the town of Topeka ? fighting between these two governments broke out ? weapons from the East were sent to Kansans ? Tension between these two parties started to explode when in November 1855 a Kansan were killed by a proslavery man ? On May 21st, Sheriff Jones, a proslavery, and a proslavery army marched into Lawrence and destroyed two printing presses and burned down several buildings ? A few days later John Brown and seven other men, took revenge and massacred five people (they split open their skulls and cut off some of their hands) As a result civil war in Kansas broke out

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Animal Farm by George Orwell Essay Example

Animal Farm by George Orwell Essay Example Animal Farm by George Orwell Paper Animal Farm by George Orwell Paper Essay Topic: Animal Farm George orwell Literature 1. We have chosen Commandment 7, All Animals are Equal 2. The reasoning behind the commandment is the animals were cruelly dictated by Mr Jones. The ideal that Old Major portrayed was of a Farm run solely by animals for animals that were part of a Democracy. Evidence is on page 6 in both Longman and Penguin version, where it states in Old Majors Speech no animal must ever tyrannize over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers. Further on in the story, Napoleon tyrannizes all of the farm animals. He kills ruthlessly with no reasoning and makes every animal that is not a pig or dog to slave over the labours of building the windmill with less food than in Jones days of dictatorship. 3. Early warning signs that the pigs are starting to manipulate the Commandment for their own ends can be found at the beginning of chapter three, page 16 in Longman version and page in Penguin. It reads The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others. This shows that the pigs were already forming a hierarchy of importance. They tell the other animals what to do and the animals do as they were told due to their slave mentality. Another example of the pigs making decisions without consulting the other animals is when the pigs steal the milk and apples. The pigs put themselves above the rest of the animals so they can get what they want. On page 22 in the Longman version and page in Penguin; it reads,Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples contain substances absolutely necessary to the well being of pigs. We pigs are brain-workers. The whole management and organization of this farm depends on us. All of which implies that they are the only reason that the farm has not been taken over by Mr Jones once more. Also it is the pigs that decide upon the final line up of commandments, not anyone else. There was no vote just a decision. It states on page 15 in both Longman and Penguin, The pigs had succeeded in reducing the principles of Animalism to Seven Commandments. 4. By the pigs continually bending and breaking the All animals are equal commandment we can tell about their character that they are dictators, greedy, selfish and believe that they are better and more worthy of power and control over the farm than anyone else due to their superior intelligence over the rest of the animals. Domineering personalities take advantage of the other hardworking and diligent animals of the farm. The pigs motives are not of Animalism, but of pure superiority over everything in their reach, which is the farm. Their plans for the future are of the farm being run by them, but all the hard work being done by the other animals of the farm. They want the farm to be the most profitable out of the farms, particularly those run be Pilkington and Frederick. An example of the pigs urge for superiority is evident particularly between Snowball and Napoleon. When they present their speeches about campaigns they are very competitive. When Napoleon knows that Snowball has the upper hand in speeches, leading to Snowball to be in power, Napoleon exiles him from the farm with the savage force of nine dogs, which nearly kill him. This happens on pages 32 33 in the Longman version and on pages in the Penguin version. 5. After the exile of Snowball, during Sunday ceremony, the pigs and dogs are on the platform and everyone else is on the ground. This is an image which portrays the hierarchy of the farm; pigs and dogs at the top, and the other animals at the bottom. Squealer explanation for the reasoning behind the events was that Snowball was a dangerous character and a bad influence and called Napoleons change of heart over the windmill Tactics, The animals were not certain what the word meant but Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further question. This happens on pages 36 37 in the Longman version and pages 38 39 in the Penguin version. This pattern of questioning from the other animals then being silenced by Squealers persuasive reasoning, and a mixture of fear from the savage dogs capability of killing them violently, silences all of the animals doubts and any chance of revolting against the tyrant Napoleon occurs time and time again. If only they pushed on questioning the pigs they would be free from Napoleons rule, but it doesnt happen. 6. The wording of the Commandment on the barn wall is altered to allow for the pigs corruption from All animals are Equal to All animals are Equal but some Animals are more Equal than others. This change occurs in chapter 10 page 83 in the Longman version and page 90 in the Penguin version. 7. Further evidence related to the reason behind the commandment can be found on page 5 in the Longman version and page in the Penguin version. It states, Never listen when they tell you that man and the animals have a common interest, that the prosperity of the one is the prosperity of the others. It is all lies. This paragraph, from Old Majors speech, is where the commandment originates. The message from this part of his speech indicates the possible outcome of dictatorship that may arise among the animals if the rebellion is a success. Old Major is warning them that the rebellion will bring conflict and if they are to make it a success they must always be united as one in a democracy and oppose any kind of control. Also in the event that dictatorship does take place on the farm, everything they say will benefit them in someway and will lie to get the others support.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Before and Ago

Before and Ago Before and Ago Before and Ago By Maeve Maddox I came across the following sentence in a writers movie synopsis: [a man] passes away and bequeaths his shack on the island to a woman, a young girl that he met many years ago when he was in a prisoner of war hospital. The word that jars is ago where before is called for. before at some unknown time before now. ago at a certain time before, counting back from the present Another way of writing the above sentence would be to make use of a perfect tense: [a man] passes away and bequeaths his shack on the island to a woman, a young girl that he had met many years before when he was in a prisoner of war hospital. Even if the lapse of time had been specified, the sentence would still call for before: Â  [a man] passes away and bequeaths his shack on the island to a woman, a young girl that he met twenty years before, when he was in a prisoner of war hospital. Ago is for counting back from the present. The man is dead in the present described in the synopsis. Therefore before, not ago, is called for. For variation, you can use earlier or previously to indicate a time before a time already in the past. For a more detailed discussion of the uses of ago and before go here. Â   Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Using "a" and "an" Before Words34 Writing Tips That Will Make You a Better WriterWoof or Weft?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Internal Control Failures Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Internal Control Failures Paper - Essay Example It was found that most cases of internal control failures were caused by individuals external to the firm, management-level and non-management-level employees, attitude of employees towards ethics and fraud, and lack of strict reporting and double control measures within the organization (Chrorafas, 2000). The main problem was that top management did not support internal control procedures. In some quarters, this project was regarded with extreme wariness, but there also was caution about appearing to attack the idea of a conceptual framework overtly because the logic of seeking such a basis for decision making was difficult to assail. "The displacement and resettlement of the local population, of 192 World Bank projects displacing 2.5 million people between 1986 and 1993, dam and reservoir projects caused sixty-three percent of those displacements" (Macdonald 2001, p. 1011). This meant that although the issues were extremely contentious, the debates were conducted in a lower key tha n those over specific standards, and the subject rarely broke into the public prints because the media tended to view it as too esoteric for popular consumption. "A lack of regular monitoring limits the public's access to project information and impairs accountability" (Macdonald 2001, p. 1011). The... Therefore, in both the building and funding contexts, personal interests are given greater consideration than technological, ecological, or economic feasibility" (Macdonald 2001, p. 1011). The cause of the bank instability and the associated inefficiency is to be found in a specific characteristic of the financial intermediation activity: maturity transformation. The bank relies on fractional reserves. As consumers have random needs for liquidity, a financial intermediary can offer a liquidity insurance while holding in cash only a fraction of the amount deposited and investing part of the deposit in longer-term and relatively illiquid projects. This increases the welfare of depositors but it also causes instability. Project failures show the need to change policies and internal control procedures. "Bank involuntary resettlement policy requires resettlement plans to compensate relocatees, by either improving or restoring the economic base of those relocated" (Macdonald 2001, p. 1011) . This situation leads to shortage of funds and implementation of stricter financial policies. The financing of highly illiquid projects on the international markets relies on relatively short-term debt, and a run of creditors may lead a country into deep trouble even if it would otherwise have had no problems in servicing its debts (Chrorafas, 2000). "In addition, the Bank "bears special responsibility for resettlement issues in the preparation and appraisal of projects because this period before signing loans is when the Bank has maximum involvement and leverage" (Macdonald 2001, p. 1011). These failures influence internal control procedures and new internal policies. The difference is that the rules-of-conduct approach leads to relatively small and infrequent

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Subjetivity Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Subjetivity - Personal Statement Example The situation from my perspective is that the student feels that he is doing the wrong thing practicing truancy. Therefore, he torn between two options, whether to run away or got back to class. After weighing the two options, the student feels that he is being unfair to himself by running away. The punishment he may have to do away with when the teacher finds about the situation or even his parents may can be severe. Therefore, the student decides to go back to class, join the others, and continue learning. The factor that influences subjective experiences in the first case is personal consideration. However, in judging from another person’s perspective in the second case, it is clear that personal opinion about what may be a reality plays a fundamental role. According to Solomon & Barney (2008), perspectives differ from one person to another. Therefore, from the experience, judgmental views depend on the conscience of a person at the time of making

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Occupy Wall Street Movement Essay Example for Free

Occupy Wall Street Movement Essay The Occupy Wall Street Movement began on Sept. 17, 2011, when a diffuse group of activists began a loosely organized protest called Occupy Wall Street, camping out in Zuccotti Park, a privately owned park in New York’s financial district. The protest was to stand against corporate and government greed, social inequality and the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process. The idea was to camp out for weeks or even months to replicate the kind, if not the scale, of protests that had erupted earlier in 2011 in Tunisia and Egypt. There were many that protested for this trying to make a change. Many people fought for their rights asking for help for certain situations such as foreclosing in homes and also asking for better jobs to support their families which I feel was the hugest part regarding this Movement. The Movement was very important for these people to stand up for their rights and announce the help that they needed and they feel that other people deserved when stuck in situations. There was a main slogan for these protesters. We are 99 percent was a huge part of this. It refers to income differential, a main issue for OWS. It derives from a We are 99 percent flyer calling for Occupy Wall Streets second General Assembly in August 2011. The variation We are the 99% originated from a page of the same name. Vietnam War era, and that the majority of Democrats, independents and Republicans see the income gap as causing social friction. The slogan was boosted by statistics which were from the Congressional Budget report released in October 2011. I feel that Occupy Wall Street Movement did have great point. I think what they were hoping to do was great for people. Others did not understand that they were trying to distribute more of a even income for all people with better jobs. They were even trying to create more of a number of jobs for all people. A big part of this was to relieve much debt from people that had this. I think the effort for this had great morals and should have been remember and supported. This is a issues that I believe still comes from time and time and there still hasn’t been much done about these issues presented. Many people do not understand how hard today’s world is. There would be so much relief is there was a program that could help people out so much. I think people are fighting for their rights for so many things. People are looking for other’s to listen to their opinions. These people in the Movement wanted to make a change not just for themselves, but for the world and future. They were trying to make the public understand what they are not agreeing with and get them to understand that there are many other factors that need to be considered. Utilitarianism I feel plays a huge part in this. This represents good over bad for almost all situations. I feel that people in this Movement could feel that they would involve themselves with this. One of the big points with Utilitarianism is that one must understand happiness before they can get happiness. I feel that for what the people in this movement were fighting for was their happiness and they have already understood unhappiness. People can understand Utilitarianism that believes in this protest. Many people have gone through these six stages that were fighting for their rights. These people were looking for happiness and to maximize it as long as possible. It was very important for these people to get out of their tough situations and fight for a better life for everyone. People were not disregarding their problems; they were simply acknowledging them and trying to move on. It was just asking for help. Kant’s ethics I feel is the opposite of this movement. Kant felt that acting out in feelings and self interest meant you had no moral worth. He felt people that made mistakes just shall be punished. Many people are fighting to not feel this way. They were fighting for the right to get better no matter their situation. Just because a mistake is made does not mean you did not have any morals or any self worth. People everyday have made mistake that should not be held against them for their whole lives. Many people have made decisions which may have been wrong. We all should have the right to move on and go forward. There is not morally wrong about sticking up for what you believe in and fighting for it. Kant was very by the book and believed that everything should go a certain way. I don’t think he considered to fight for rights for humans and that some things that come along aren’t always morally correct. Another thing that was fought in this Movement was income equality. Income inequality is increasing nationwide and new data from the Census Bureau shows which states have it worst. Maine, West Virginia and California all count among states where the wealth gap is expanding fastest. The gap between the richest and poorest residents of twenty states increased last year, while remaining about the same for the remaining 30, according to newly released data from the U.S. Census Bureau. No states saw significant decreases in their levels of income inequality. There is a huge different in the income equality. Many people don’t make barely anything to others. This has gotten worse over the years. It has even gotten worse then the 1700’s. There is way too far of a difference between the minimum wages and taxes that are taken from people. It would only be fair to up the minimum wage to make things more fair to people that do not have as good as others. This is something that people in the Movement were fighting for also. I feel that people in this movement would have been satisfied by just being acknowledged for the change they were trying to make. It is important for people trying to make a change in many important ways to at least feel like they are getting somewhere. I think a great outcome would be for people to consider what they are saying and work on fixing the problems. I think that many things that are being fought for are morally correct. If we all take a chance and realize the things we need to work on like provding help for people that need it, that would be great. For example, now in 2012 we have Obama care that helps many people that are in need of insurance that cannot afford it. Romney now is trying to get rid of this saying the government is paying too much to help low income people. This is the same thing. Many low income people are in need of this help and this should not be taken away from them. I think that a great ending would be for all people to be financially good. But everyone must work to get this help. I think we should all be financially stable no matter what income we make. Money is most of today’s problem especially with this economy today, if we could somehow get past this moment and look outside of this I think we could make it as a country by helping each other out. I believe this movement stood for great things. I think it will continue more movements in the future. Many people feel strongly about this subject. Some people use government help and abuse, but there are many people out there that need the help. I feel there should be a limited time to get assistance until you get on your feet. I believe there will be many people who want to fight over an argument about that. I hope there will be more positive movements such as this one in the future so people can stand up for what they believe in and what they hope for. People are looking for better jobs to make more money for their family. I feel that all people should fight to get to the best. That issue will never fade away. Some people had said about the movement that people were only asking for money which was not true. The goal of this movement was to get help for different things. These people in my opinion were not trying to over grow capitalism or start a riot. People were hoping for help when foreclosing on their homes which was a big issue. These are things that are happening to people who lose their jobs or getting a pay cut at work. These people were hoping for programs to get back on their feet. There are so many programs out there to help people; some money from the government should be able to go towards helping out people in these situations. I feel that this movement was very important and that people will continue to ask for this help until they are heard or a change is made. References:

Friday, November 15, 2019

Thomas Paine and Common Sense :: essays research papers

Common Sense Published anonymously by Thomas Paine in January of 1776, Common Sense was an instant best-seller, both in the colonies and in Europe. It went through several editions in Philadelphia, and was republished in all parts of United America. Because of it, Paine became internationally famous. "A Covenanted People" called Common Sense "by far the most influential tract of the American remains one of the most brilliant pamphlets ever written in the English language." Paine's political pamphlet brought the rising revolutionary feeling into sharp focus by placing blame for the suffering of the colonies directly on the reigning British monarch, George III. First and foremost, Common Sense advocated an immediate declaration of independence, putting forward a special moral duty of America to the rest of the world. Not long after publication, the spirit of Paine's argument found importance in the American Declaration of Independence. Written at t he beginning of the Revolution, Common Sense became the leaven for the ferment of the times. It stirred the colonists to strengthen their resolve, resulting in the first successful anticolonial action in modern history. Little did Paine realize that his writings would set fire to a movement that had seldom if ever been worked out in the Old World: sovereignty of the people and written constitutions, together with effective checks and balances in government. Paine has been described as a professional radical and a revolutionary propagandist without peer. Born in England, he was dismissed as an excise officer while lobbying for higher wages. Impressed by Paine, Benjamin Franklin sponsored Paine's emigration to America in 1774. In Philadelphia Paine became a journalist and essayist, contributing articles on all subjects to The Pennsylvania Magazine.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Green School Initiatives Essay

Introduction – Kate The idea of â€Å"Green Initiatives† in schools at any age level is a positive step towards installing sustainability in the minds of future generations. To reduce the amount of energy needed, recycle rain water, lessen landfill space and cut the barrels of oil used by Americans daily; can insure that our natural resource will be intact for many years to come. However, obstacles to Green Initiatives are costs, program management and proper data collection. Is it possible to initiate Green Methods in schools and really save cash as a result? It is possible. Let us examine which eco-friendly ideas work for institutions and which do not. Relevant Facts – Mandy, Miranda, Kate, Tomika & Alicia Why should schools â€Å"go green? † When a school â€Å"goes green,† that school is making the choice and the commitment to make their school more environmentally friendly. This includes doing things â€Å"to reduce carbon footprint, or the amount of carbon dioxide emissions produced† (Whelan, 2007). More and more, taking care of the environment is becoming an issue among people. They all want to know what they can do to make their environment safer and cleaner. Schools are becoming no exception to this endeavor. It does not take much for a school to make a difference. It can be something as simple as recycling plastic water bottles or something more complex such as installing energy-efficient solar panels in the roofing. Today’s schools have become more environmentally aware and many would like to incorporate green learning and living into their school systems. The definition of a green school is â€Å"a school building or facility that creates a healthy environment that is conducive to learning while saving energy, resources, and money† (www. greenschool-buildings. org). A school can be green in many ways; primarily this paper focuses on how a school can best go green. Much of what is discussed is school construction and renovation; however we also highlight some other areas in which schools can initiate green methods. The nation’s schools are currently built to code and meet government health and safety standards; is this enough or is there a better way? A study was performed of 30 green schools built 2001 – 2006 in 10 states. Some highlights from that study include: ? Green school construction costs less than two percent more compared to conventional schools, at about $3 per square foot. ?Direct and in-direct financial savings to the school and community were about $70 per square foot – 20 times as high as the cost of going green. ?Green schools, on average, use 33% less energy than convention schools. ?Reduction of average water use by 32%. Because of the process of water storage the school created with their green design, the city of Dedham, MA valued the improvement at $400,000. ?Highly reflective green roofs life expectancy to last 30 – 50 years or longer. ?An average reduction of 38. 5% in asthma, over five separate buildings, due to improved air quality. ?Today asthma rates are rising 20-50% every ten years throughout the world (Holguin 2004) There are some other reasons that schools choose to get on the good side of the environment by going green. An important reason behind this decision is in an effort to â€Å"provide a healthy, productive, comfortable environment for students and staff† (Lafee, 2010). This is because going green calls for cleaner air If a school is more environmentally sound, it is more likely that there will actually be a decrease in students being absent because of the cleaner air. Building green is especially beneficial to those students that have breathing problems. Many schools, as they are going green, are beginning to install solar panels in an effort to conserve energy and create clean energy. What are the benefits of using solar panels? They range from â€Å"economic, health, environmental, and financial benefits† (What Are the Benefits of Solar Power? , 2010). By using solar panels in schools, the schools are saving money on their electric bills. Solar panels are allowing schools to cut down on air pollution. Rather than cleaning them every month, solar panels only have to be cleaned once a year. Solar energy panels also allow for the demise of deadly fumes from fuels such as kerosene and gasoline. This makes for cleaner air indoors, which leads to a decrease in respiratory issues. The use of solar energy panels does not put out carbon monoxide, so they improve the quality of air. Finally, using solar panels in schools will allow â€Å"children to understand the significance of green architecture and renewable sources of energy† (Solar Energy Finally†¦, 2010). Wind power is used through the use of wind turbines that are installed inside the school grounds. By installing wind turbines on school land we bring other benefits to the school. As with solar panels, wind power also decreases a school’s electric bills. Using wind turbines give schools certain tax breaks. Having a wind turbine also â€Å"adds an experiential dimension to the schools’ science, math, and civic classes† (The Benefits of Wind Power, 2010). There is a program called the Wind for Schools Project whose purpose is to â€Å"install small wind turbines at rural elementary and secondary schools while developing Wind Application Centers at higher education institutions† (Wind for Schools Project, 2010). The program basically educates schools on the use, as well as the benefits of, wind power. One of the biggest ways that schools are going green is by having the students recycle their empty plastic milk and beverage containers after lunch. Schools put recycling bins in their cafeterias in an effort to encourage students to put their containers in them rather than a garbage can. What are the benefits? Doing this â€Å"conserves resources, helps the environment, saves schools money on disposal costs, creates the volume needed to have a viable recycling program, and teaches children social responsibility† (Why Recycle Plastic Milk and Beverage Bottles? , 2010). An additional benefit of recycling plastic beverage containers is that leaks and odors are decreased because the plastic containers have caps on them, and the students are encouraged to replace the caps on the empty containers. The types of containers that are recyclable are â€Å"all plastic beverage bottles (i. e. milk, soda, water, juice) and aluminum cans† (Recycling Plastic Milk Bottles At School, 2010). While it is true that recycling in schools is dependent upon the school district, most school districts are on board with this form of going green. They are willing to make the accommodations that are needed for this endeavor. The concept of a school going green may be better understood by its students if they are a part. If they feel that they are part of something, it will make them want to try harder. Green schools offer other advantages that might not be immediately apparent. The school is actually a teaching tool. Think about it. High school students could actively learn about renewable energy from the school’s solar panels. The middle school students could study ecosystems in their own wetland. The elementary students could grow organic vegetables and eat them for lunch. The student(s) would receive the full green experience. An additional way students are applying these concepts in the classroom are in art classes, instead of having students use recyclable materials, allowing them to use materials from nature. This can include making projects with leaves, sticks, sand, or any other outside objects. Not only is this fun for the students, but it is also environmentally-friendly. â€Å"There are different ways to create a work of art using found objects† (Kauffman, 2009). Students who use natural objects are more likely to be inspired. And using natural materials is very cost-effective for the schools. This type of art is especially rewarding to smaller children. This is because they get to â€Å"play† with stuff. Normally would not have the chance to. Some elementary schools have started implementing â€Å"garbage art. † Garbage art supplies include â€Å"beans, rice, buttons, fabric, string, dry pasta, yogurt, dryer lint, pencil shavings, etc. † (Pedersen, 2010). For younger students, this type of art is more likely to be more fun than any of the aforementioned options. The opportunity that â€Å"green building† in schools provide to the students, teachers, and the community is substantial. Along with the health benefits, there are cost savings to the school and to the city the school is located in. Continued growth within the green initiatives and design benefit the country and the world environment overall. (www. greenschoolbuildings. org) When students are involved their moral is up, if student morale is up, the desire for students to learn also increases. A school that is more environmentally conscious benefits because their students will not only be learning how to help the environment, they will be implementing that knowledge as well. Schools that go green will positively impact student health in other areas than just cleaner air. Cleaner air results in higher test scores and teacher retention. Green buildings are designed with proper acoustics so the teachers can be heard and have more control of the classroom environment. Students are exposed to more natural daylight helping them perform at their individual best and avoid seasonal depression due to lack of sunlight. Another more energy-efficient practice is softer lighting in the classrooms. If a school has inadequate lighting, whether it is too bright or too dim, it can actually cause students to have headaches due to possible straining to read. If a school decides to go green in the way of softer lighting, it will be easier for students to see and cause less straining for them. On top of all these benefits to the children and staff there are operational cost savings with utilizing daylight, reducing energy and recycling water. Going green means that building repairs, upgrades, and system replacements will assist in lowering utility costs from renewal efforts. (www. greenschoolbuildings. org) Green schools generally do not cost more than a conventional school to operate. The costs are much less to operate a green school due to the efficient use of water and energy. A green school can typically save $100,000 in, in-direct costs in a given year. An estimated $20 billion could be saved over the next 10 years if all schools performed green renovations and all new schools were built green. (www. greenschoolbuildings. org) Other areas where schools can and are â€Å"going green† are as follows: †¢Recycling Programs – working with recycling brokers to recycle glass, plastic and paper †¢Using old material such as cardboard boxes as art supplies †¢Going â€Å"IT Green† – recycling computers, putting computers on standby when not in use and scanning copies instead of producing paper ones. Many schools are switching to low voltage IT servers. At the University of Buffalo’s Center for Computational Research they are switching to energy-thrifty supercomputer servers and saving $150,000 annually. (Carter 2009) †¢Taking advantage of assistance from organizations like the â€Å"Go Green Initiative. org† that helps train school staff in green teaching methods so they can teach their students. They also assists in obtaining grants for schools; give quarterly progress reports to schools and give tools to track and quantify your green savings. Clearly one of the biggest benefits of going green within the school systems is That it teaches our children how to live better and make the world a better place in which to reside. These are life lessons that people carry along with them into adulthood. So, in addition to saving the planet, saving money, and having healthier children; this concept will be carried on into the future. Incorporating â€Å"going green† into the lives of our children would install very much needed values and morals that they can live by as adults. Problem Components/Root Problem – Mandy & Kate Some green initiatives like recycling water or material require very little investment; however construction can be another matter. Building a new school or renovating an existing school to go green, one must look at the big picture not only individual costs. In lean times like these many communities do not have extra funds to invest, so a common barrier to green projects is initial cost. There have been many green projects through the years that have not worked out due to prohibitive upfront costs. There are groups that believe that the government should aid in jumpstarting these projects to make the initial investment more affordable. (â€Å"Green economy,† 2010) However in recent years these costs are going down as green building becomes more commonplace and supplies become more plentiful. In reality the cost of going green is not much higher than it is to stay conventional. Going green may take some project management and innovative thinking, but is not off budget. Perhaps the biggest complication regarding cost comes in when schools are converting an existing structure. â€Å"Green schools cost a little more to build – generally 1% to 2% extra – than conventional schools† (King, 2010). Another drawback for new green school construction lies in what can occur during the whole â€Å"going green† process, especially if the â€Å"green school† is being built from the ground up. â€Å"Permits, zoning requirements, and other bureaucratic obstacles imposed by planning commissions, school boards or other government agencies† (Kennedy, 2010). Whether it is a new school going up or a current school being re-modified, money plays a huge part in just how green a school can go. For example, a school may have the funding for more energy-efficient lighting, but not have the money for better and more efficient air ducts. Not having enough funding can put the halt to preventing a school from becoming more environmentally sound in a heartbeat. Another hindrance to a school going green is that often not everyone involved is on board with the idea. â€Å"The problem with America’s public education system is it’s failed to empower our communities, parents and teachers with the tools and authority they need to provide the quality educational experience our children need, expect and deserve† (King, 2010). This is basically saying that if the parents and teachers are not given what they need to provide a good, sound education for their children, in and out of school, then no amount of environmentally-correct changes to the school are going to be effective. In many areas of the country, the design requirements are not an additional burden in the price of the bids. There are many financial benefits to new green construction or renovating. Some benefits that accrue over the life of the building are reduced energy and operating costs, improved well-being and more cost effective insurance prices. (www. eda. gov) The US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – LEED, sets standards for green initiatives. LEED rates projects based on the materials used and how they are sourced, the design, construction, and efficiency of systems to include water, energy, air quality, lighting, acoustics, waste and transportation. (www. ecoliteracy. org) Generating and Evaluation of Alternatives – Miranda & Kate Like any large project this puts schools in the position of determining what best suits their specific needs. By setting up specific â€Å"implementation plans† based on needs and monetary ability we can simplify a schools decision. We can also allow them to make more gradual steps. In a perfect world with abundant funding all schools would be free to immediately make the necessary changes; unfortunately that is not a reality for most. Schools could choose to make their decision in the following ways: †¢Low investment – green initiatives taken independently- Analyze possible areas of immediate change on their own. Make changes in their everyday routine such as recycling or reusing bottles, paper, glass and plastics. Building a rain water catch system for water reuse. They can estimate the cost savings to the school and savings to the environment. This will expose the children to the concept of recycling and reuse while helping to teach them. †¢Medium initial investment – green initiatives taken independently – schools can independently address the low initiatives outlined in option one while also investing in larger improvements. These improvements could include low voltage servers, schedules for electrical output and using computers that go to â€Å"low power† usage when on standby mode. This requires more of an initial investment by the school but allows the school to see greater return in their investment in the form of cost savings. †¢High initial investment – green initiatives taken on independently – schools can independently address both medium initial investment items and renovations to existing structures (like solar panels) or the building of new structures. Ultimately this would bring the greatest cost savings to schools and would have the greatest impact to the student’s environment and green experience. †¢High initial investment – green initiatives taken on with assistance – schools can work with organizations like the â€Å"Go Green Initiative† from start to finish. Instead of â€Å"reinventing the wheel† and learning through experience schools can use the opportunity of organizations that are established just to help them. These types of initiatives provide communication with other schools about their â€Å"green† projects, educate schools staff to â€Å"teach green methods†, provide information on green building, provide data tracking and even educate the community. Schools can make changes at any level they desire and on their own time schedule. Chosen Alternative – Tomika & Kate We believe that schools and the environment would benefit most from a High initial investment – green initiatives taken on with assistance option. Schools can get assistance from many of these organizations for absolutely free and initiatives don’t have to start as high investment. You can make small changes like recycling and using the cost savings to fund student activities. You can reduce your energy waste by conserving water and turning off computers when not in use. Representatives from organizations like the Go Green Initiative can help you communicate the â€Å"why† to your community. They can help explain why green changes with be profitable to the school in the long term. Once the community has seen the short term savings they will be more open to more long term green projects. You need community support and open communication to successfully incorporate change into any public structure. Having an outside source will also give you vast data from other school districts that have gone through the same changes you are tackling. These organizations can assist you with measurements for your green savings, but more importantly they can also measure your savings to the environment; this is a huge tool that motivates entire communities and makes your school more marketable to new families. Implementation Plan – Tomika & Kate 1. Determine what your schools objectives are, what do you wish to achieve? 2. Speak with the school board and the community about their ideas, concerns and involvement with any potential project. 3. Contact several organizations like â€Å"Go Green Initiative† and get information on each of them to present to your board. 4. Discuss the different organizations with your board and the community and pick one to work with. 5. Convey to the organization assisting you what your goals and objects are, your budget concerns and specifications. Ask for ideas to implement immediately that will show short term return on investment and improve the school environment. 6. Have a training session and meeting to review all aspects with the school board, superintendent and any interested party. Establish six month goals that are specific, measurable, attainable and timely. Determine who is responsible for data collection and programs implemented. 7. Obtain data and review progress in six months. Proceed from there. Alternative Choice – Tomika The alternative choice would be to have schools manage the projects themselves, beginning with small. They could conduct their own research and check with other local schools to see what green plans have been successful for them. Most of the steps would remain the same as the chosen alternative but there would be more â€Å"legwork† to be done by the schools themselves. From finding green materials and contractors to studying alternatives it would simply be more difficult to get information. It would however be possible. There may be some people in the immediate community with experience that could assist the school with their green initiatives. Either way schools have to start somewhere and any changes are better than none at all when it comes to the environment. Conclusion-Alicia Going green is very crucial and relevant to the future of the children as well as the planet. Starting the green system within schools is the best thing to do in order to educate the children on the importance of saving the planet, keeping everyone healthy, preserving energy, and saving money. This allows the practice of â€Å"going green† while learning and living it at the same time. Today’s funding in schools is mostly low. Therefore having the option to transition from small changes and then building up to larger more substantial changes is vastly important. Even more important is communication within a community to reach a greater common goal and seeking assistance from an outside source can be a huge benefit when trying to better your community. References Benefits of Wind Power. (2010). Retrieved November 20, 2010, from http://www. northernpower. com/wind-power-basics/benefits-of-wind-power. php. Green school buildings. (n. d. ). Retrieved November 18, 2010, from U. S. green building council website: http://www. greenschoolbuildings. org/gs101. aspx Green school design: cost-effective, healthy, and better, for eduction. (n. d. ). Retrieved November 18, 2010, from Center for Eco literacy website: http://www. ecoliteracy. org/essays/green- school-design-cost-effective-healthy-and-better-education. Green economy. (2010). Economy Watch, Retrieved from http://www. economywatch. com/market/market-types/green-economy. html Kauffman, Rachel. (2009, July 13). Lesson Plans Using Objects Found In Nature. Retrieved November 21, 2010, from http://www. lessonplanet. com/directory_articles/art_lesson_plans/13_July_2009/48/lesson_plans_using_objects_found_in_nature. Kennedy, Mike. (2010, February 10). Overcoming Obstacles to Going Green. Retrieved November 19, 2010, from http://asumag. com/green/overcoming-sustainability-obstacles-201002/. King, Ledyard. (2008, July 31). Costs, Concerns Push Schools To Use Eco-Friendly Elements. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from http://www. usatoday. com/news/education/2008-07-31-green-schools_N. htm. Lafee, Scott. (2008). Going Green: Environmentally Friendly Schools Pay Off. Retrieved November 23, 2010, from http://www. csba. org/NewsAndMedia/Publications/CASchoolsMagazine/2008/Spring/InThisIssue/GreenSchools. aspx? p=1. Pedersen, Lisa. (2010, February 22). â€Å"Found† Art Materials. Retrieved November 28, 2010, from http://www. familynavigation. com/found-art-materials. Raderstrong, Jeff. (July 21, 2008). The Seattle Times. Retrieved December 5, 2010 from http://seattletimes. nwsource. com/htm/localnews/2008063326_solarpanels21m0. html Recycling Plastic Milk Bottles: Benefits and Getting Started. (2010). Retrieved November 30, 2010, from http://www. nutritionexplorations. org/sfs/schoolmilk_recycling_survey. asp. Recycling Plastic Milk Bottles At School Frequently Asked Questions. (2008). Retrieved November 22, 2010, from http://www. NutritionExplorations. org. Solar Energy Finally In The School Yards. (2010, October 25). Retrieved November 30, 2010, from http://www. renewablepowernews. com/archives/1914. Solar Panel Cost. Retrieved December 5, 2010 from http://www. solarpanelsedge. com/ar/solar-panels-cost. php The New Era in Solar Energy. Retrieved December 5, 2010 from http://greenfieldsolar. com/industry. php What Are The Benefits of Solar Power? (2010, February 9). Retrieved November 21, 2010, from http://www. alternativeenergyhq. com/what-are-the-benefits-of-solar-power. php. Whelan, Debra Lau. (2007, September 1). Going Green: Eco-Friendly Schools. Retrieved November 20, 2010 from http://www. schoollibraryjournal. com/article/CA647263. html. Go green initiative. (n. d. ) Retrieved November 17, 2010 from http://www. gogreeninitiative. org.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Does Source B support the evidence of source C about the suffragette campaign

In this essay I am going to be discussing whether or not source B which is an extract from a book written in 1907 called Woman or suffragette supports the evidence given from source C which is a cartoon drawn by Bernard Partridge in 1906 about the suffragette campaign and the writers and artists opinions on the suffragettes. Firstly I am going to point out that source B which is a primary source was written by a woman and it is against women getting the franchise to vote. The thing that is very ironic about this is that at the time it seemed all women wanted the vote and wouldn't stop at anything to get it but this one woman â€Å"Marie Corelli† didn't think that women should have the vote and that all women should just leave the men to all the important things. Source C is another primary source and it is contempory to source B. The reason why this is important is because it helps towards showing that all of the people sort of had the same ideas about women's suffrage. In source C it shows a sensible woman and what seems to be a lunatic woman. The lunatic woman was looked upon as the suffragette and she has one fist clenched and in the other hand she a flag which says female suffrage but it looks as if it is falling apart and wearing down as if they are destroying the whole purpose of campaigning for the right. Also the main reason why these sources could not be used in too much in depth study is because both sources are bias towards their own cause. Source C is obviously just trying to make the suffragettes look bad so that it makes the suffragists look better. Source B however seems to be bias towards the men and is trying to point out that women are naturally incapable of being as mature as the men. In conclusion I think than source B most definitely supports source C for one main reason. This is because they are both trying to get the point across that they don't think women are going to get the vote and the main reasons for this are the suffragettes. One reason though why I begin to think that these source may disagree with each other is because one of the sources (Source B) believes that women will never get the vote because of the way the women are raising their children. Whereas in Source C the main reason why this source thins women will not get the vote is because of the techniques used by the suffragettes for example the main quote used on the poster is â€Å"you help the cause? Why, you're its worst enemy!† this quote shows the hate that the suffragists had for the suffragettes and their opinion of what their actions are doing to their main cause.

Friday, November 8, 2019

All About Metal essays

All About Metal essays I listen to metal. A simple sentence but this information is also the answer to the question "What kind of music do you listen to?", for some people it means something that's not normal, bad and god knows what else. Metal music is still, even after so many years, considered by the wide public as the music of corrosion, hate and anger towards everything that's "right and good". Why? To tell the truth, I don't know really. Those who condemn this style don't even know it. Just from something somebody told them or from partial listening to something they didn't like. To take these opinions seriously? No way. This article is about what metal music really is, what the particular categories of this diverse style are about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Metal music came to existence probably in the 70's. Based on the rock music and then hardened with tougher guitars, vocals, the drummers also started to hit their instruments with much more power. The early metal music was based on a more agressive way of playing and was produced only with el. guitars and drums. The harder it sounded, the better it was. But it's different these days, but I'll get to that later.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Metal symbolized power and hardness. And people started to listen to it and their number started to grow. After all, metal was on the highest peak of it's popularity in the 80's, well, to be specific, the most favourite style of the 80's was actually hard rock. I remember that all the rockers had wawy hairstyles and they all looked the same and there was so many of them. A bright example can be the band Europe that came from Sweden. A typical example of a one-hit band. They actually played rock but some magazines marked them as a heavy metal band.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The gratest and most popular metal bands were being founded on the break of the 70's and 80's. That time was being flooded by the "new wawe of brithish heavy metal", NWOBHM in short. The era of harder metal began. Everybody will probab...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 cambios de RAISE Act para sacar la green card

5 cambios de RAISE Act para sacar la green card El à ºltimo intento para llevar a cabo una reforma migratoria en Estados Unidos es la propuesta de ley conocida como RAISE Act, presentada en el Senado por los senadores Tom Cotton de Arkansas y David Perdue de Georgia. RAISE significa Reforma de la Inmigracià ³n a Estados Unidos para el Fortalecimiento del Empleo  (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment en inglà ©s). El RAISE Act fue presentado pà ºblicamente en la Casa Blanca, demostrando asà ­ que cuenta con el apoyo del Presidente Donald Trump. Esta propuesta, en el remoto caso de ser aprobada y convertirse en ley, cortarà ­a el nà ºmero de inmigrantes que se permite que ingresen a los Estados Unidos anualmente aproximadamente a la mitad.   En otras palabras, se pasarà ­a de aproximadamente un millà ³n de migrantes legales que obtienen la tarjeta de residencia cada  aà ±o fiscal  a unos 500.000.   Adems, los cambios que se contemplan son numerosos, destacando los que afectan la emigracià ³n por razones familiares, de trabajo, inversià ³n, asilo y loterà ­a de la diversidad. Emigracin por vnculos familiares En la actualidad, 3 de cada 4 inmigrantes se convierten en residentes permanentes legales por una peticià ³n familiar. Los cambios segà ºn RAISE Act serà ­an los siguientes: En primer lugar, los ciudadanos americanos  solo podrà ­an pedir a sus cà ³nyuges, hijos solteros menores de edad y padres. Respecto a estos à ºltimos, la residencia serà ­a temporal y los ciudadanos patrocinadores deben asegurarse de que sus patrocinados tengan seguro mà ©dico y de que nunca se conviertan en una carga pà ºblica. Con el nuevo sistema, los ciudadanos no podrà ­an pedir a sus hermanos, hijos casados de cualquier edad o hijos mayores de edad. En segundo lugar, los residentes permanentes legales solo podrà ­an pedir a sus cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros menores de edad. Es decir, con la nueva ley desaparecerà ­a la categorà ­a que permite solicitar la green card para los hijos mayores que permanecen solteros. En tercer lugar, un cambio importante afectarà ­a la edad de algunos migrantes, ya que con la nueva ley el tà ©rmino menor, o child en inglà ©s, aplicado a los hijos pasarà ­a a significar soltero que es menor de 18 aà ±os. En la legislacià ³n actual se considera menor de edad para  efectos de estas peticiones a los menores de 21 aà ±os que son solteros. Por à ºltimo, se mantendrà ­a la posibilidad de solicitar a cà ³nyuges en el caso de parejas homosexuales. Es decir, las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos reconocen y seguirà ­an reconociendo la validez de los matrimonios entre un hombre y una mujer y tambià ©n los de dos personas del mismo sexo. Emigracin por trabajo El cupo de migrantes admitidos anualmente bajo esta categorà ­a se mantendrà ­a igual: 140.000, nà ºmero que incluye tanto al trabajador patrocinado como a su familia inmediata. Sin embargo, habrà ­a un gran cambio en la forma de ingresar, ya que RAISE Act contempla un sistema de puntos que en la actualidad no existe, en el cual se valorarà ­an y puntuarà ­an: Tener una oferta de empleo bien pagada (13 puntos, que varà ­an en funcià ³n del salario)Conocimiento  del idioma inglà ©s (mximo de 12 puntos)Edad (mximo de 10 puntos, siendo la puntuacià ³n mxima los 25 aà ±os)Estudios (mximo 13 puntos, valorndose ms las licenciaturas sacadas en Estados Unidos y los estudios superiores en ciencias, ingenierà ­a, matemticas o tecnologà ­a, lo que en inglà ©s se conoce como STEM).Inversià ³n de $1.35 millones (12 puntos)Logro extraordinario, como por ejemplo Premio Nobel o atleta olà ­mpico (mximo de 25 puntos)Haber tenido una peticià ³n de green card pendiente en una de las categorà ­as que ahora se eliminan (mximo de 2 puntos). Cada aà ±o fiscal, los candidatos podrà ­an presentarse y obtendrà ­an la green card quienes tengan mayor puntuacià ³n segà ºn el cupo. Los rechazados podrà ­an presentarse en los aà ±os sucesivos. Eliminacin de categora de green card a cambio de inversin Segà ºn la legislacià ³n actual, es posible  comprar la green card para inversionistas  con un monto mà ­nimo de medio millà ³n de dà ³lares de inversià ³n. Con el RAISE Act, el mà ­nimo serà ­a de $1.35 millones y pasarà ­a a ser una forma ms de obtener puntos para sacar la green card dentro de la categorà ­a de trabajo. Emigracin por cuestiones humanitarias El RAISE Act limitarà ­a por ley a un mximo de 50.000 personas por aà ±o fiscal el nà ºmero de refugiados que pueden ingresar a los Estados Unidos bajo esa categorà ­a, limitando asà ­ el poder del presidente para modificar esa cifra, tal y como se hace ahora, en base a crisis humanitarias o a la polà ­tica exterior del paà ­s. Emigracin por la lotera de visas En la actualidad, cada aà ±o fiscal se sortean 50.000 tarjetas de residencia permanente bajo el programa de la loterà ­a de visas de la diversidad. El ganador puede emigrar legalmente a los Estados Unidos junto con su cà ³nyuge e hijos solteros menores de edad. El RAISE  Act pondrà ­a fin a esta posibilidad gratuita en la que participan cada aà ±o unos 15 millones de personas de todos los paà ­ses autorizados (los ciudadanos de los paà ­ses con altas tasas de emigracià ³n hacia los Estados Unidos estn excluidos). Por qu es importante estar informados sobre el RAISE Act? En la actualidad es muy poco probable que este proyecto se convierta en ley porque no tiene los votos necesarios para ser aprobado en el Senado primero y luego en la Cmara de Representantes. Sin embargo, es importante conocerlo porque muestra muy claramente cules son las directrices que favorecen un buen nà ºmero de legisladores republicanos en materia migratoria. Y, por supuesto tambià ©n sus votantes y el presidente. Tambià ©n es recomendable estar informado para evitar ser và ­ctima de fraude migratorio. Cada vez que se habla de un posible cambio en las leyes hay personas inescrupulosas que venden lo que en realidad no existe con el à ºnico fin de ganar dinero explotando el miedo y la angustia de los migrantes. Estos son 10 telà ©fonos para obtener informacià ³n migratoria y, en caso de fraude, dà ³nde se puede denunciar. La mejor forma de estar a salvo es conocer la ley  tal y como es y estar alerta. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Concert Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Concert Report - Essay Example One of the most interesting facts of the next composition is that it was composed in 1808, the same year when Beethoven presented his 5th Symphony. There have been many gossips on that subject, though there are some concerns even nowadays. But I absolutely had no time thinking of this when music, pleasant to my ears, was played by talented musicians. The initial G minor nailed me at the chair but, changed with the downward movement, it slowed down into the more peaceful theme which was proceeded by upward movement again. Such radical changes were keeping some tension close to curiosity. That was my favorite part of â€Å"Symphony No.1 g minor† because there was no time to adjust to one direction and you were left as if you were standing at the crossroad. With the help of profound and tense manner, which was emphasized by the use of violins, there was a feeling of a pleasant relief as if you caught the last train that should be caught by everyone, at least, once in life.That co ncert became a fusion of emotional experience intertwining with the intellectual one, making both to feel the music and to understand where its roots are coming from. Usually at once after the performance, my friends start asking me questions if I liked it or not, what impressed me the most or if there was anything new. But they know, if I am keeping silence, it means that it was awesome, and I want to keep those emotions for as long as possible, living through them again in my mind and in my heart. The same happened that Sunday.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Sources of Demographic Data Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sources of Demographic Data - Case Study Example The demographic analysis may also encompass nationality, religion, education, and ethnicity (Murdock, 2006). All these elements are usually vital for the government for planning on different government developmental issues. Nonetheless, all the demographic data that are used in the analysis of population and its structure are usually obtained through numerous sources including census, administrative records, and surveys.  The population census is a collective process that used to collect, evaluate, analyze, compile, and publish data; otherwise, it is the disseminating demographics, social and economic data within a specific time to all persons in a country or within a well-delimited section or part of a country. Census usually involves the collection of data concerning every person within a set of living quarters in the whole country or part of a country. It usually allows estimates for small population and geographic or subpopulation to be used in the final tally (Murdock, 2006). Census processes are usually vital for their bass population figures that usually used to calculate fundamental rates, especially from the civil registration data. It also supplies sample surveys with sample frames. Additionally, censuses are usually vital for securing legislation requirements, political funding and supports, as well listing and mapping all the households. Therefore, census usually has structured steps including formulation of questionnaires that include all the areas of interest including age, sex, education, ethnicity, nationality, household information, and profession among other areas of interest. It is worth noting that census processes are usually complex and expensive. Moreover, not all information can be gathered using a single census period; thus, the questionnaires of any census period are usually designed differently in light of what the final users of the data are interested in.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

International Marketing - Essay Example There are varieties of options before a company when they decide to enter an overseas market. Three major issues require careful planning before venturing into another region, which include the right marketing mix, sourcing or the product and investment decisions (Qdi). Marketing mix itself involves decisions on whether to sell in the other country directly or through intermediaries and which market segment should be tapped first. Marketing mix for services is more difficult to ascertain than for products. Investment decisions and control are equally important - whether it should be a joint venture with a local partner, whether they should acquire an existing company in that country or have a global partner. Based on these factors, this report will discuss the marketing strategies of two different Companies in the service sector - DHL's entry in the China market and Vodafone of UK's entry in the US market.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Importance of Tourism in London

Importance of Tourism in London The World Tourism Organization (WTO) defines tourism as the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes. James Mak (2004) found that about 62 percent of international travel is leisure travel, 18 percent business travel, and the remaining 20 percent is for other purposes. Regardless of what the reason for travel may be there is a direct linkage of tourism and the economy. According to the latest provisional data from the International Passenger Survey in the first quarter of 2010, London welcomed 2.96 million visitors. Tourism is a vital contributor to Londons economy, generating approximately  £10.6 billion of overnight visitor expenditure in 2009 (Visit London: fact sheet). Evidently tourism represents a relevant source of foreign exchange earning a significant income, benefiting the London economy. This paper will attempt to explore the importance of tourism to the London economy focusing on different aspects in the industry that relate to the economic situation of London. In 2002, Mayor Ken Livingstone devised a massive plan to encourage tourism and thereby improve the economic conditions of the country. He saw tourism as an industry with great potential and therefore intended to benefit the economic situation by improving the efficiency of the system. Since then much of the Mayors plan for tourism in London has been revised and improved upon by the present mayor Boris Johnson. In Livingstones foreword to the publication he stressed that tourism is vital to Londons prosperity. Ours is a world city with unrivalled appeal London has assumed increasing importance as a premier tourist spot especially after turmoil from other rivals that deter tourists from visiting their country. For instance popular tourist spots like Luxor, Alexandria and Sham Al Sheik are now looked upon as hostile environments after the ousting of president Ben Ali in Tunisia and the massive street protests that followed. In an article posted by the Euronews (2011), a Spanish travelle r told reporters he had decided to leave Egypt because the situation is getting complicated and dangerous. He added: We cant go anywhere and we have three little daughters. This unrest in rival tourist countries makes the politically stable and hence safer London a prime tourist destination. It is evidently clear that London is ranked highest for international tourism. London is a city of proud historic tradition, authentic architecture, an entertainment capital as well as an important financial and business centre. Many foreign dignitaries besides attending to their official duties also take time to experience the city as tourists. Leisure activities have more flexibility and there is usually a range of places where particular leisure activities can be undertaken, and far less temporal constraints on their enjoyment, even if individuals are still bound by obligated, biological and work related time (Shaw and Williams, 2002) The Economic Development Strategy for London recognized that tourism and hospitality sector as one of the most significant forces in the London economy. Tourism and leisure are also important elements in labor markets, with tourism accounting for more than one million jobs in the UK alone. (Williams and Shaw, 1998) The London Tourist Boards Tourism Strategy for London has calculated that the number of jobs created by tourism in 1985 is around 275,000 full-time job equivalents. This accounts for some 8 per cent of all Londons employment. This calculation includes day visitor spend which is estimated to add 10 per cent to the total (25,000 jobs) Since then, the plan stresses on the fragility of the key economic statistics on Londons tourism as the structure of employment in the industry has changed considerably for example in the advancements of the information and communication technologies as well as part-time employment and capital investment. However, tourism is set to grow with th is increasing rate of tourism it will inevitably bring profit to the economic situation in London. The Draft London Plan forecasts that growth in employment in hotels and catering will be second only to financial and business services. Technical Report Thirteen on hotel capacity and demand predicts a 3.4 per cent annual increase in overseas visits to London between 2000 and 2020. The service sector has increased in importance, in both absolute and relative terms, in most economies in recent decades. (Knox and Agnew, 1998) As the service sector benefits greatly a multiplier effect comes into play which creates inter-firm linkages which all have much ado with the economy. The geography of the production of leisure and tourism services does share many features with other sectors (Agarwal, 2000). Shaw and Williams (2002) found that catering held strong links to the agricultural sector and also that there was coherence between inter-regional transport firms, as well as some forms of furniture producers. It is this multiplier effect that concerns the way in which expenditure in tourism filters throughout the economy, stimulating other sectors as it does so (Pearce, 1989) Although this may represent profit within the economic sector of the city Smith (1995) argues that regrettably, the abuse of multipliers often seen to be as frequent as legitimate uses thus contributing further to the industrys lack of credibility. This pessimistic view holds certain truth as corruption is well within the tourist industry, however the extent to this is not as severe as to cause a significant downfall in the economy. Another point stressed by the mayor is Londons success in the global tourism marketplace of which had a major impact on the performance of the UK tourism economy. The mayor has restated his commitment to ensuring that London continues to contribute to the wider interests of the British tourism industry. The visionary plan fittingly called Visit London will seek to sustain Londons international profile and status as a world city as it has long been established as the international gateway to the UK, according to the Tourism Company (2002), with 59 percent of overseas visitors arriving via one of Londons airports. Over half of overseas visitors spend time in London, many of whom travel by rail car and coach. This leads me to my next point, which is the importance of the travel infrastructure. Geoff Muirhead, CEO of an airport group, stressed the importance of the aviation industry in the UK economy four group airports generate more than 3 billion pounds for UK plc, and support thousands of travel and tourism related jobs. Inbound tourism is clearly good news for the British economy, while overseas travel allows UK citizens a well earned break in a sunnier climate. We need to find ways of supporting both these aspects of tourism much more effectively, given their importance to the UK economy as a whole. The hospitality and leisure development is also greatly interlinked with the development of an efficient travel infrastructure. Whitbread Chief Executive Alan Parker explained that the hospitality industry depends heavily on the infrastructure of air, road and rail links, which transport clients to the hotels. If infrastructure does not keep pace with growth, then business and tourism could drift away from the UK to other markets on the continent. In conjunction with the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games more than 11 billion pounds of investment is set to flow into the capital between now and 2012, much of this funding goes into a range of various developments for the reconstruction of East London, particularly the transport system. Accessibility is an important aspect in tourism as tourism requires a journey, similarly the view through the car windscreen has also had significant consequences for the nature of the visual glance, enabling the materiality of the city or the landscape to be clearly appreciated (Larsen, 2001) Hence the mode of transportation is essential in creating an efficient tourist experience which undoubtedly brings revenue into the country. WTTC Chairman Geoffrey Kent commented on the infrastructural plan and said, the government must put a long term infrastructure plan with at least a 15 year horizon. The 2012 Olympic Games will provide the platform, focus and budget for this long-term plan, which will dri ve the forecasted tourist demand. The Olympic Games is not the only highly anticipated major sporting event going to be held in London as it also plays host to mass events such as tennis at Wimbledon, cricket at Lords and the Oval, and rugby at Twickenham all representing pull factors that attract the tourists. Apart from sporting activities London is also rife with entertainment, art and music scenes renowned for edge and creativity. The cultural diversity and authentic music spots such as the ever so eclectic Camden Town is just one of the many interesting places tourist visit and due to consumerism succumb to marketing ploys that inevitably benefits the citys economy. An article on Late Night London (2002) reports that 500,000 young people are estimated to go clubbing in London on a Saturday night, the club scene again gains lucratively especially as in contrast to the United States the legal age to consume alcohol in London is 18 and hence teenagers deprived of such an experience in America can enjoy in London. Tourism has brought exceptional to the city of London in terms of the economy and hence benefits the living standards of Lodoners of which become increasingly apparent. In reference to the Mayors plan, the quality of life of the locals increase tremendously with both leisure and employment opportunities. With all the development of travel and industry that is essential in fostering an efficient tourist system, in hindsight it also greatly benefits the locals, as accessibility is improved. The tourism sector accounts for 12 per cent of Londons Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and supports 13 per cent of Londons workforce. Growth in the tourism benefits London economically and crutially distributes that benefit across Londons sub-regions, communities and businesses through direct and indirect means or expenditure. In conclusion, it is evident that tourism is important to Londons economy. It is not only the source of all job opportunities but it also requires development of less industrialized areas and hence benefits not only the economy but also society. For instance the concern of addressing Canary Wharfs, located in Londons financial district, deepening infrastructure constraints, which according to a world travel and tourism council press release is jeopardizing economic prospects and seriously affects the experience of millions of travelers across the world. The development of travel infrastructure is also essential as to portray London as a Gateway to the UK and also as the travel industry is one that holds many job opportunities that can be readily distributed within the population thus increasing the quality of life of the local Londoners.